Results for 'Cosimo Nicolini Coen'

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  1.  8
    Il segno è l'uomo: pratiche di scrittura ebraica: alcune considerazioni teoretiche.Cosimo Nicolini Coen - 2020 - [Andria]: Durango edizioni.
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  2. Vico, Croce e nicolini: stralci da lettere di FaustoNicolini nel centenario della nascita.Benedetto Nicolini - 1979 - Bollettino Del Centro di Studi Vichiani 9:111-118.
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  3. Omaggio a Fausto Nicolini.Fausto Nicolini (ed.) - 1972 - Bologna,:
    I manoscritti dell'abate Galiani.--Catalogo sistematico dei manoscritti dell'abate Galiani.--Intorno al terzo dei Libri della Biccherna.--Due recensioni.--Groce, B. I manoscritti dell'abate Galiani.--Nicolini, B. Profilo di Fausto Nicolini archivista.
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    Neuroanatomical substrates of action perception and understanding: an anatomic likelihood estimation meta-analysis of lesion-symptom mapping studies in brain injured patients.Cosimo Urgesi, Matteo Candidi & Alessio Avenanti - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Big is a Thing of the Past: Climate Change and Methodology in the History of Ideas.Deborah R. Coen - 2016 - Journal of the History of Ideas 77 (2):305-321.
  6. Opere, a Cura di Fausto Nicolini. --.Giambattista Vico & Fausto Nicolini - 1953 - R. Ricciardi.
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    Capable and Culpable? The United States, RtoP, and Refugee Responsibility-Sharing.Alise Coen - 2017 - Ethics and International Affairs 31 (1):71-92.
    Facilitating access to asylum and other forms of refugee protection for the millions displaced by mass atrocities in Syria and Iraq is essential to the implementation of the international norm of the Responsibility to Protect. This responsibility, however, has been disproportionately shouldered by several states in the Middle East and Europe. This article explores the challenges associated with refugee responsibility-sharing in the context of RtoP and draws on work in climate justice and political realism to articulate a framework for integrating (...)
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  8. On the Legitimate Means for Political Action: John Dewey and the Spectator’s View on Politics.Coen Schuckink Kool - 2024 - Contemporary Pragmatism 21 (3):299-323.
    As public concern over governmental inaction on climate change grows, it becomes vital to answer the Question of Legitimate Means: what actions can political actors legitimately take to pursue their goals? This paper argues that a particular understanding of the political realm, which I will call the spectator’s view on politics, prevents theorists from confronting this question. Using the philosophy of Noortje Marres, I will demonstrate that the spectator’s view posits a transcendental goal to politics, subordinating any means to the (...)
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  9. Opere.Cosimo Amidei - 1980 - Torino: Giappichelli. Edited by Antonio Rotondò.
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  10. Header Menu.Coen Bavinck - forthcoming - Complexity.
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    Bio-logia vs semio-logia.Cosimo Caputo - 1990 - Idee 13:183-188.
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    Plants, maps, and the politics of scale: Nils Güttler, Das Kosmoskop: Karten und ihre Benutzer in der Pflanzengeographie des 19. Jahrhunderts. Göttingen: Wallstein, 2014, 545 pp, € 65.90 HB.Deborah R. Coen - 2016 - Metascience 25 (2):213-216.
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    La pedagogia di Bertrand Russell.Cosimo Guido - 1974 - [Lecce]: Milella.
  14. Lexique de la Prose Latine de la Renaissance - Dictionary of Renaissance Latin From Prose Sources: Deuxième Édition Revue Et Considérablement Augmentée - Second, Revised and Significantly Expanded Edition.Coen Maas (ed.) - 2006 - Brill.
    René Hoven’s _Dictionary of Renaissance Latin from prose sources_ has since its first appearance in 1993 become a recognised and valued resource for Latinists and Neo-Latinists and an indispensable working tool for academic libraries. A highly practical lexicon, it provides researchers, teaching staff and students in the field of Early Modern Studies with concise, essential information.
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    A wound on poetry: A reading of pasolini’s teorema.Andrea Nicolini - 2017 - Scienza E Filosofia 18 (18):265-272.
    A WOUND ON POETRY: A READING OF PASOLINI’S TEOREMA Through analyzing Pasolini’s Teorema, the intention of the paper is to suggest that besides a sublimated effervescence that, according to Durkheim, blends people together, there is also another force that does not let itself be sublimated and for this reason checkmates the Symbolic order of society. This force is the death drive, namely the drive that, according to Freud, is beyond the pleasure principle and works against the flourishing of the individual (...)
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    Inherent Conflict of Interest in Clinical Research: A Call for Effective Guidance.Marie E. Nicolini & Dave Wendler - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (10):94-96.
    Volume 20, Issue 10, October 2020, Page 94-96.
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    Sul progetto utopico di J.V.Andrea. Note su Cristianopoli.Cosimo Quarta - 1986 - Idee 1:77-100.
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    Il pensiero di Jacques Maritain.Cosimo Scarcella - 1978 - Manduria: Lacaita.
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    Simone Weil e lo Stato: voce profetica contro la deriva totalitaria.Cosimo Schena - 2023 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    Miss Fielde’s Nests.Deborah R. Coen - 2016 - In Susan Neiman, Peter Galison & Wendy Doniger, What Reason Promises: Essays on Reason, Nature and History. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 77-87.
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    Filosofia del linguaggio e scienze del linguaggio.Cosimo Caputo - 1993 - Idee 23:163-172.
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    Hjelmslev, the verbal, and the form/icon.Cosimo Caputo - 2010 - Semiotica 2010 (182):81-88.
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    Louis Hjelmslev in Italia (1960-1986).Cosimo Caputo - 1987 - Idee 4:139-162.
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    La materia della luce.Cosimo Caputo - 1998 - Idee 37:85-115.
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    Indurare l'animus: spunti paidetici da Seneca educatore.Cosimo Costa - 2015 - Roma: EA, Anicia.
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  26. Il problema educativo nel neopositivismo.Cosimo Guido - 1968 - Lecce,: Milella.
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    Etica della ricerca biologica.Cosimo Marco Mazzoni (ed.) - 2000 - [Firenze]: L.S. Olschki.
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  28. Autobiografia di Giambattisa Vico.Fausto Nicolini - 1950 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 140:214-215.
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    Abitare la soglia: Simondon e l’individuazione del vivente.Andrea Nicolini - 2019 - Scientia et Fides 22:252-267.
    Living the threshold: Simondon and the living individuation Describing the evolution of the individual from the physical to the vital individuation, from the psychic to the collective individuation, the article aims at reconstructing Simondon’s theory of the individual with which the philosopher shows how the subject is a never-ending process of individuation that emerges from a pre-individual field that makes individuation itself possible.
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    Benedetto Croce.Fausto Nicolini - 1944 - Napoli,: G. Cacciavillani.
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    Le nozze interrotte: il mito come exemplum e un problema testuale sepolto in Apuleio, met. 4.26.8.Lara Nicolini - 2016 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 160 (2):372-378.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Philologus Jahrgang: 160 Heft: 2 Seiten: 372-378.
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    La religiosità di Giambattista Vico: quattro saggi.Fausto Nicolini - 1949 - Laterza.
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    La pace come suprema istanza etica.Cosimo Quarta - 1989 - Idee 12:53-66.
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    Usability Issues of Clinical and Research Applications of Virtual Reality in Older People: A Systematic Review.Cosimo Tuena, Elisa Pedroli, Pietro Davide Trimarchi, Alessia Gallucci, Mattia Chiappini, Karine Goulene, Andrea Gaggioli, Giuseppe Riva, Fabrizia Lattanzio, Fabrizio Giunco & Marco Stramba-Badiale - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    Gender and cultural understandings in medical nonindicated interventions: A critical discussion of attitudes toward nontherapeutic male circumcision and hymen (re)construction.Gily Coene & Sawitri Saharso - 2019 - Clinical Ethics 14 (1):33-41.
    Hymen construction and nontherapeutic male circumcision are medical nonindicated interventions that give rise to specific ethical concerns. In Europe, hymen construction is generally more contested among medical professionals than male circumcision. Yet, from a standard biomedical framework, guided by the principles of autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice, circumcision of boys is, as this article explains, more problematic than hymen construction. While there is a growing debate on the acceptability of infant circumcision, in the case of competent minors and adults the (...)
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    (1 other version)The Greening of German History.Deborah Coen - 2008 - Isis 99:142-148.
  37.  13
    Koen Raes ethicus: een selectie van ingeleide teksten van Koen Raes over maatschappij en ethiek.Gily Coene & Tom Claes (eds.) - 2012 - Gent: Academia Press.
    Op 4 mei 2011 overleed Koen Raes. Hij was verbonden aan de Vakgroep grondslagen en geschiedenis van het recht van de Universiteit Gent en speelde decennia lang als publieke intellectueel en ethicus een belangrijke rol in maatschappelijke en ethische debatten in Vlaanderen, België, Nederland, maar ook daarbuiten. In dit boek is een brede selectie van ingeleide teksten van hem opgenomen. Het verschijnt parallel met een (dubbel)nummer van het tijdschrift 'Ethiek en Maatschappij' - een tijdschrift door Koen Raes in 1998 opgericht (...)
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  38.  11
    Commento storico alla seconda Scienza nuova.Fausto Nicolini - 1949 - Roma,: Edizioni di "Storia e letteratura,".
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    Between Author and Reader: A Psychoanalytic Approach to Writing and Reading.Stanley J. Coen - 1994 - Columbia University Press.
    Although deconstruction has become a popular catchword, as an intellectual movement it has never entirely caught on within the university.
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    Information management and governance in UK higher education institutions: bringing IT in from the cold.Michael Coen & Ursula Kelly - 2007 - Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 11 (1):7-11.
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    Promoting pro-environmental behaviour through augmented reality and persuasive informational power: A pilot study.Sharon Coen, Ian Drumm & Stefania Fantinelli - 2019 - Human Affairs 29 (3):339-351.
    This pilot study examined the idea that use of a mobile technology can have positive consequences for both individual users and, indirectly, society. The augmented reality (AR) application used here is defined as a persuasive technology because it is intended to modify users’ attitudes or behaviours. The application was designed for personal use although it can generate indirect benefits for users’ communities as well as for users themselves. The application was tested on a small sample in a controlled setting in (...)
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  42.  20
    Business Strategy in Innovation Policy.Coen Faber, Harry Sminia & Arnold Wilts - 2007 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 18:389-393.
    This paper uses basic concepts from sociological process theory to assess new forms of public management in innovation policy and their relevance to business strategy. We describe this policy process as chains of events, outcomes, and re-coupling. It is argued that these process sequences occur in three analytically separate domains, namely the social, the cultural, and the cognitive domain. The paper identifies three collective learning variables of cooperation, collectivity, and content, to arrive at an explanatory scheme to systematically investigate business (...)
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    Extended-order algebras.Cosimo Guido & Paola Toto - 2008 - Journal of Applied Logic 6 (4):609-626.
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    L'onesto mestiere del filosofare.Cosimo Pacciolla - 1999 - Idee 40:279-284.
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    User profiling with hierarchical context: An e-retailer case study.Cosimo Palmisano, Alexander Tuzhilin & Michele Gorgoglione - 2001 - In P. Bouquet V. Akman, Modeling and Using Context. Springer. pp. 369--383.
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    Condorcet: dottrine politiche e sociali.Cosimo Scarcella - 1980 - Lecce: Milella.
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    Simone Weil e la questione gnostica.Cosimo Schena - 2017 - Trieste: Asterios editore.
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  48. Il realismo politico di Vincenzo Cuoco.Cosimo Campanelli - 1974 - Napoli: AGEA.
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  49. La paideia della volontà: una lettura della dottrina di Epitteto.Cosimo Costa - 2008 - Roma: Anicia.
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  50. Critica dell'estetica crociana.Cosimo Gancitano - 1948 - Mazara,: Società editrice siciliana.
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